domingo, 24 de outubro de 2010

X Factor 2010: OMG Cher Lloyd wears THREE pairs of fake eyelashes!

X Factor 2010: We've got all the behind-the-scenes beauty goss from the show's make-up artist!

Posted: Wednesday 20 Oct 2010

Above: X Factor 2010: Cher Lloyd wears THREE (yes three) pairs of fake eyelashes!
ABOVE: X Factor 2010: Belle Amie like the wide-eyed look
ABOVE: X Factor 2010: Rebecca Ferguson goes for the Sex and the City style
ABOVE: X Factor 2010: Treyc makes work for the makeup artist by opting for individual lashes
ABOVE: X Factor 2010: Mary Byrne opts for a natural look
WE knew X Factor's 2010 contestant Cher Lloyd was a fan of fake lashes - but we didn't know quite how much!
X Factor 2010's lead makeup artist Liz Martins has today revealed that mini-Cheryl Cole Cher Lloyd wear a whopping THREE pairs of Eylure fake eyelashes at one time!

She said: "Little miss Cher is a 'lady greedy lash' and loves to wear three, yes three, pairs of lashes at a time! 

"I am trying to wean her on to just two at the moment and failing miserably. That girl is a 'lashaholic' and who am I not to indulge her?!"

And Cher is not the only X Factor wannabe who dons fake lashes for her live performances.

According to Liz, most of the girls have their own individual look that they like, with Liverpool lass Rebecca Ferguson loving the Sex and the City lashes from Eylure's range.

She said: "Rebecca is my modern day Sade and loves wearing the Sex and the City Lashes. We especially love the sexy Samantha ones as they look natural but have a lot of depth"

Chezza's wildcard Treyc gives Liz extra work on the night by favouring the look of individual lashes.

She told us: "TreyC loves the way the Individual Lashes look (and taking the time to relax in the makeup chair whilst I painstakingly apply them on!) as it gives her a full lash effect, looks more natural and we can switch up her beauty look from time-to-time."

And Simon Cowell's girl group Belle Amie are also fans of the fake flutterers - but the more wide-eyed look. 

She added: "Belle Amie love that fluttery wide-eyed look so I have been tending to use the more glamorous styles in the Eylure Naturalites and new Naturalites Intense."

Louis Walsh's act Mary Byrne has also piled in on the action. But according to Liz, she likes a more natural look.

She said: "With Mary I've been using Lash Extend. She has lovely lashes of her own but we wanted to build them up without looking too heavy, so Lash Extend was the way to go. Plus it means she can lie down, fall asleep for an hour whilst me and lash extend work our magic!"

And Liz let us into a little secret about the boys. 

Both Diva Fever and Storm wore Eylure Lash Extend and the Naturalites Individual lashes while they were still on the show!


Cher Lloyd: If you're a fellow lash addict then try Eylure Double Lashes (£6.95 from Boots & Superdrug). You can apply two sets with one easy application.

Belle Amie: To get Belle Amie's fluttery wide-eyed look go for Eylure Naturalites (£4.95 Boots & Superdrug) or Naturalites Intense (£5.15 Boots & Superdrug). Loved by Pixie Lott apparently...

Rebecca Ferguson: Get the Sex and the City look like her with four different Eylure styles for Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha (£6.45 to £6.95 Boots & Superdrug).

Treyc: If you want the individual look like Treyc, choose Eylure Individual Lashes (£4.45 Boots & Superdrug). You can pop a few at the corners to elongate the lashes or go full on with a full set.

Mary: If, like Mary, you just want a subtle look, go for Eylure Lash Extend (£5.95 Boots) which really last!

terça-feira, 19 de outubro de 2010

Desde …Baby One More Time, quando Britney surgiu no cenário pop vestida de colegial e causando controvérsia, ela tem sido assunto na mídia do mundo inteiro e gerado discussões em diferentes aspectos.

Em seus quase 12 anos de carreira, Spears nunca ligou para os comentários de seus “colegas de profissão”, apesar de alguns deles já terem feito declarações um tanto quanto maldosas — aliás, Britney é uma das poucas cantoras que se preocupa mais com sua vida e carreira do que em dar “pitaco” na trajetória alheia, e talvez seja por isso que muitas delas ficam irritadas.

O visitante João Nunes nos pediu para fazer um levantamento sobre os comentários mais maldosos/curiosos já feitos por artistas do mundo do entretenimento, e decidimos atender ao seu pedido neste artigo da coluna Polêmica.

Abaixo, em ordem cronológica, estão os principais comentários já feitos pelos “colegas” de Britney. Confira:

“Britney Spears se veste e dança como uma vadia no palco. Será que ela é vadia? Ela diz que é virgem! Ela está dizendo uma coisa e fazendo outra. Definitivamente não é o que eu vou fazer.”
Avril Lavigne — 2002

“Assim como Christina Aguilera, a imagem da Britney Spears mudou muito nos últimos anos e eu acho que ambas estão me copiando nesse sentido. Algumas pessoas têm sua própria identidade, outras não.”
Pink — 2002

“O VMA nem mostrou o meu beijo na TV. Eles cortaram para mostrar a reação do Justin — previsível e patético. Britney fez playback. Essas pessoas não são artistas, são apenas performers — falsas e superficiais, como o evento inteiro.”
Christina Aguilera — 2003

“Britney Spears não é legal! Ela é um robô pop mecânico, OK? Basicamente ela é um fantoche. Embora Britney não seja tão ruim quanto Christina quando o assunto é mostrar a pele… Christina mostra muito mais! As duas parecem estar competindo entre si… Isso não me ofende. É apenas trágico. É muito triste. Não queira ter que vender ‘sexo’ apenas para fazer com que as pessoas te escutem!”
Amy Lee — 2003

“Acho que se Britney se sente confortável com o que faz, tudo bem, é o que você deve fazer. Mas, com certeza, não acredito que tirar a roupa ou sair toda noite para badalar e ficar bêbada seja um sinal de maturidade. Eu não gostaria de olhar para o meu passado e dizer ‘Oh, aquilo foi tão embaraçoso’.”
Hilary Duff — 2005

“Vocês viram os filhos da Britney? Oh meu Deus, eles são os erros mais adoráveis que já vi. Eles são tão fofinhos, tão lindos quanto a vagina raspada da qual eles saíram.”
Sarah Silverman — 2007

“Eu honestamente acho estúpido o que Britney e Lindsay Lohan estão passando. É muito fácil ficar longe dessas situações. É preciso ser esperto sobre as suas decisões.”
Vanessa Hudgens — 2007

“Eu não quero diminuir a Britney, mas eu nunca iria a um show em que a pessoa finge cantar. Quando você cresce escutando Janis Joplin, você não vai querer ver alguém fazendo playback. Juro por Deus, eu defendi Britney Spears desde o início. Meu propósito era: ‘Parem de me comparar com ela, porque nós somos animais diferentes’”
Pink — 2009

“Nós pelo menos comparecemos ao VMA! Que se f*da! Como eles vão dar um prêmio a Britney Spears se ela nem tem tempo para vir receber?! Tenha dó.”
Gabe Saporta (Cobra Starship) — 2009

“Em 10 anos, Britney Spears… Britney, quem?”
Ke$ha — 2010

“Mal posso esperar para que a carreira da Britney acabe de vez e ela possa me servir café na 7-Eleven. Ela é uma white trash!”
Joan Rivers — 2010

sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2010

vi isso num blog ( e adorei :D


Navegando por internet vento en popa a toda vela, atopei este incrible (non sei como denominalo) experimento? creación?
A familia de Diego Goldberg foi capaz de inmobilizar o paso do tempo ano a ano. Paréceme precioso o resultado (sei de algúns que deberían facer algo parecido).

Going, going, GONE! Pigeon shuns chance of great escape after being scooped up by hungry pelican in London park

Last updated at 1:50 PM on 14th October 2010

When a pigeon was gobbled up by a greedy pelican, it looked like instant game over for the little bird.
But when the predator unexpectedly opened up his huge beak again, the pigeon was given a chance to save himself and fly away.
Confusingly, however, the dopey bird instead chose to simply sit in the beak taking in the view - and missed his only opportunity to escape.
Not surprisingly, he was eaten up.
Sitting pretty - but not for long: The pigeon misses his chance to escape from the pelican's beak
Sitting pretty - but not for long: The pigeon misses his chance to escape from the pelican's beak
Photographer Paul Mansfield, 44, captured the remarkable scene while on a day trip to London with his family.
The pigeon had been pecking at crumbs in St James' Park, Westminster, when he was targeted by the pelican.
Mr Mansfield said: 'I noticed a small crowd gathered at the side of a lake that was 'oohing' and 'arghing'.
'On closer inspection I could see what all the fuss was about.
'On the grassy bank a pelican had managed to gobble up a pigeon.'

Going... The pigeon, which had been eating crumbs at St James' Park in London, is trapped
Going... With the crowd willing it to escape, the bird disappears from view
Going... The pigeon, which had been eating crumbs at St James' Park in London, is trapped, and with the crowd willing it to escape, the bird disappears from view
Mr Mansfield, from Brighton, East Sussex, added: 'The crowd was willing it to escape, with shouts of "Come on, you can do it!".'
'During one such moment the pigeon stood inside the peak, head peering out, with its body silhouetted on the pelican's pouch.
'There was another big gulp and you could see the pigeon slide further down the pouch.
'Then another and it was gone. There were gasps of disbelief from many in the crowd.'
Unbelievably the same pelican then gulped another bird nearby and the whole process started again.
Mr Mansfield said: 'I had seen enough and headed for more pleasant vistas along the South Bank.' 
Gone! The outline of the pigeon can be seen in the pelican's neck as it is swallowed whole
Gone! The outline of the pigeon can be seen in the pelican's neck as it is swallowed whole

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