terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010

I…think I wanted to make the film because I started to feel like I wasn’t being…um…seen in the light that I wanted to be seen in. Um…I don’t know exactly what light that is but I feel like there were things out there that have been said about me that aren’t completely true or- and not that I care what any of the tabloids and all that says about me but there’s a lot that people don’t know about me that I want them…to know.

What’s weird? Do I know my life is weird?
It's all I’ve ever known. I don’t see it as being weird.

I don’t really like it when they say ‘the comeback.’

I’ve been here the whole time you know. I’ve taken some time out for myself and you know I’ve been recording for a while. I haven’t been completely in the spot light but like I’ve been doing what I’ve always done.

You have good performances, you have bad performances. Not every performances can be a good performance, you know. You’re gonna have some amazing performances and you’re gonna have some okay performances. People can’t always be out there, you know. And there’s times where-where you are. And it’s coming around to be that time.

I’ve been through a lot this year. Well actually the past two or three years and my trust has really been battered. I’ve defiantly grown up, big time. You know, I’m very weary off a lot of things. So you know, I'm very protective of myself.

Sometimes it can get kinda lonely. You’re guarded, you know, you have to be that way otherwise you get taken advantage of and get in situations like I did the past year. 
I had totally lost my way. I lost focus, I lost myself. I had that type of nature within me that wanted to rebel out. I never wanted to become one of those prisoner people. I’ve always wanted to feel free, and get my car and go and not let people make me feel like I had to stay in my home. I think that was always the part of me that kinda got me into trouble.

I had let certain people into my life that were just bad people, and I was very guarded at first but then I went to a point where I ended up letting them in. Because I was lonely, or whatever the fact, and I really paid the consequences for that, big time. But I just feel like you know, you do something wrong and you learn from it, you move on, but it’s like I’m having to pay for it for a really long time.

I look back and I do not see how I got through that. I sit there and I look back and I’m like
‘I’m a smart person’ like, what the hell was I thinkin’?

Everything is coming together right now, and it’s like part off the whole change of what’s going on. So, it’s cool.

I’m ready to make this a really good phase in my life.

Dancing is a huge part of me and who I am. It’s like something that my spirit just has to do. I’d be dead without dancing.

I have really good days where I deal really well and there’s some days where it’s in my face where you’re like; ’Oww, she’s feelin’ it.’ You know, so it’s like, umm, I have really good days and then I have bad days. Sometimes it’s like to much, nobody could deal with some of that stuff like that.

With Justin, he was a part of the magnitude of what I had become, so then when he was gone I was like what am I supposed to do with myself? Do you know what I mean? And I was so young and I was really famous. I would go out just to keep my mind busy, just to keep going, you know what I mean. Just to keep myself so I became like, a 
go-er, a really busy girl. A party girl.

I think I married for the wrong reasons. Instead of following my heart and like, doing things that made me really happy. I just did it because of the sake of the idea of everything. And um…it just lead me on a weird path. The marrage of Kevin. And when it ended I felt so alone. I didn’t wanna really think about the reality of it. It was like, I’m okay, you know, I can do this; it’s going to be okay. I never really faced it, and I just ran.

Like I was going through so much artificial stuff with my kids and Kevin at the time and he had just left me and I was devastated. People thought it was me like…going crazy, but people shave their heads all the time you know. But it was me just feeling a form of a little bit of rebellion or feeling free; shedding stuff that had happened. I didn’t think it was anyone’s business really.

People think that when you go through something
in your life you need to go to therapy, but for me art is therapy because it's like you're expressing yourself in such a spiritual way. Sometimes you don't need to use words to go through what you need to go through. Sometimes it's an emotion you need to feel when you dance that you need to touch on and the only thing that can touch it is when you move a certain way.

A lot of things that go one with me aren’t right and that is where I get a little jaded. You know, going to a certain place and wanting to get ice cream and like, you know, a certain time of night and wanting to walk down the grove and feeling the crispy air and having a stroll with one of your friends and, you know, those are the times when I’m like, I was I wasn’t famous. So you could feel a part of the people.

At first, it was amazing, the first year or two because it’s like, "I’m a celebrity!" Like the first couple of times when people ask you for autograph it's like such a high, you’re like, "I'm famous!" It didn’t really touch home with me, the whole fame thing, until I was working for six years. I went home and I wanted to just stop. I wanted just for everything to stop and just shut it off and to try to create a new life.

I’m a very private person. Everywhere I go, there’s like somebody there.

I just got a bunchy of dresses, a bunch of cool dresses. I don’t know why I’m whispering. Make it cooler in here.

We’d pack up and we’d take a trip and go. It’s just like spontaneous, excitement, fun things like that.

I use to be a cool chic, you know. And I feel like the paparazzi is taking my whole cool-slang away from me. Like going out and doing stuff and like seeing a guy and hanging out. The way I use to live I was a pretty cool chic, you know. And I’m not really that way anymore.

I love being out of the chair and doing it. I don’t like being in the chair.

I think there is a perception out there that’s not even really me. I think people believe what they read, and what they hear and it's not even really the truth.

I think the majority of the people what me to strive, and do well and do my thing and be powerful. Be a strong woman.

Just, that I’m just like them. I love what I do, I love my babies and I work really hard.

I’ll have a book one day, a good mysterious book.

It's weird, like, you can see the cruelest part of the world, the cruelest part. But then on the other side, you see the most beautiful part. Do you know? It's like you go from one extreme to the next. And they're both worth it because you wouldn't see the one without the other one. But that cruel part is damn cruel and you'll never forget it. But that heaven is heaven. So it's like I've been to both places.

Now I try to avoid situations from the past that may threaten me. I go through life like a Karate Kid.

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