quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2009

anytime, anyplace

tem dias que acho uma merda naum ser mulher
dai me dou conta que se eu fosse mulher, eu tb naum teria as coisas que eu quero.
realmente, ninguem muda seu destino. o que deus risca, ninguem rabisca.

janet sempre eh a proposta: anytime, anyplace.

In the thunderin' rain
You stare into my eyes
I can feel your hand
Movin up my thighs

Skirt around my waist
Wall against my face
I can feel your lips

I don't wanna stop just because
People walkin by watchin us
I don't give a damn what they think
I want you now
I don't wanna stop just because
You feel so good inside of my love
I'm not gonna stop no no no
I want you
All I wanna say is

And anyplace
I don't care who's around

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